For my original February 2014 post concerning the Supreme Court Chief Justice election, please see Game of Pawns.
The State newspaper reported today that I had recently met with state law enforcement officials about this issue. A more accurate statement is that I was contacted by them and was questioned about a possible link between the Chief Justice election and the Greenville Family Court election.
An agent asked a question similar to the one I asked in my post back in February, “Do the Republicans on the Greenville Delegation have so little clout or were our family court candidates – and by extension our delegation – mere pawns in some perverse version of a Great Judicial Chess Match? ” A good question that needs a detailed answer.
If their investigation reveals that votes were traded that adversely affected the judge’s race for the vacant seat on the Greenville Family Court and tipped the Chief Justice race, then justice has indeed been perverted – in the worst possible way.
I welcome their investigation and the subsequent reporting by the press. Every few years, government requires a good dose of investigative sunshine to kill off the corruption.