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Thanksgiving Citizens Survey

South Carolina’s economy has much to be thankful for as we close the books on 2019. Since the Great Recession our population has increased by 1 million people, our per capita income has jumped from $32,458 to $42,736 and our unemployment rate has dropped to 2.9% – less than half of what it was a decade ago. As a result of this economic growth, our state government has projected almost $2 billion more in anticipated tax revenue than it budgeted for in the coming year. So, when the General Assembly begins a new session in January, how should we spend the money? Please take the following quick general survey to let me know what you think about budget surpluses and other issues.

South Carolina will enjoy an $800 million surplus in recurring tax revenue and a $1 billion surplus in non-recurring tax revenue for the upcoming budget year.


  1. Robert Davis

    This was a good survey.

  2. Sharon R. Miller

    This survey is truly appreciated. Thank you Mr. Stringer!

    • Tommy Stringer


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