SCDOT will announce the details of a public hearing next week on the proposed roundabout to be built on Hwy 101 North in front of Lake Cunningham Fire Department.
The roundabout, if approved, will be funded solely from federal highway funds as part of a safety program directed toward high accident intersections. Apparently, this intersection falls into their project parameters.
The obvious question revolves around a roundabout’s (now that’s a bad pun) impact on the fire station. Several meetings have taken place that have included SCDOT engineers, fire commissioners, county council members, state representatives, a state senator and a staff member from an US senator’s office.
SCDOT engineers insist that the roundabout will not delay the response time of the fire department and will dramatically increase safety.
Elected officials remain skeptical for several reasons. How much new traffic congestion will be caused by the roundabout during rush hour? Will potential traffic congestion impede the fire station? Isn’t the Milford Church intersection on Hwy 101 much more of a safety issue than the intersection at the fire station? Couldn’t the funds be better spent considering our other road needs?
SCDOT confirmed that we could not transfer the funds towards another project in our area.
So, they will provide an opportunity for a public hearing and I will publish how to contact them to affirm that a hearing is wanted by the public.